Training in resilience means increasing

personal power

Helping you discover personal power, awareness, and self-efficacy.

Learn stress management, and anxiety tools, to experience increased daily positivity.

Coaching & Resiliency Training

We provide personal power training in awareness, mindfulness, and self-efficacy. These include powerful skills in organization, goal setting, meditation, yoga principles, and discipline.

  • One-on-one sessions
  • Group, couple, or family sessions
  • Stress & Anxiety Management Sessions & Tools
  • Personal Power & Resiliency Focus Training
  • Skills training
  • Healthy Living Overview and Practice
  • Healthy Body, Healthy Routine, Healthy Mind
  • Develop personal goals, and achieve them
  • Nutrition and Supplements

Academic & Career Counseling

We are skilled professionals in helping students and professionals set and achieve goals. We work throughout your education & career to help you be confident and successful

  • Career & Education Overview and Analysis
  • Education/Tutoring/Mentoring/Planning
  • Guidance Coaching
  • Resume & Letter Writing
  • Understanding Financial Aid/Funding
  • College Planning, Applications
  • Career Planning/Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Leadership Training
  • Management Training
  • Executive Leadership Workshops
  • Stress Management
  • Organization and Prioritizing

Our mission is to help you be triumphant in daily living.


Personal Power leads to Personal Triumphs! #ResiliencyPathways